I currently write and edit for eDynamicLearning as a Subject Matter Expert in Programming, Computer Science, and Game Design. I’ve written multiple courses on game design and programming, and have edited many others. I’ve also presented as a keynote speaker and panelist in the eDL Virtual Summit in both 2020 and 2021.
SME Course Writer
Middle School Game Design 1a: Introduction (Unity, C#)
Middle School Game Design 1b: Creating a Game (Unity, C#)
Game Design for Chromebooks 1a: Introduction (PlayCanvas, JavaScript)
Game Design for Chromebooks 1b: From Prototype to Product (PlayCanvas, JavaScript)
Game Design 2b: Launch a Game (Unity, C#)
Game Design 2a: Build a World (Unity, C#)
Foundations of Game Design 1a: Introduction (Unity, C#)
Foundations of Game Design 1b: Storytelling, Mechanics, and Production (Unity, C#)
Middle School Tech Apps (Grade 7)
SME Activity Writer / Teacher Resources Developer
Microsoft Word: Office Fundamentals Series
Microsoft Excel: Office Fundamentals Series
Microsoft PowerPoint: Office Fundamentals Series
Coding 1a: Introduction (Python)
Coding 1b: Plan, Design, Develop (Python)
Introduction to Programming 1a: Introduction (Python)
Introduction to Programming 1b: Problem Solving Through Programming (Python)
Web Development 1a: Introduction
Web Development 1b: Planning and Design
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